Friday, April 13, 2012


Picture 6: This picture shows an entrance to one of our other learning center. Here are many classrooms in which student’s trains theoretic and practice with eclectics in cars.


  1. This is extremely stylish. there seems to be no grease or oil anywhere. A lot of our classrooms are a bit like the workshops and nowehre near as nice as yours. What do your students do in this beautiful space?

    1. Oh, this is the entrence of the theoretical part of the school. We also have a loth of companys having day/weekcourses there, thats why it looks that nice.

  2. Looks lovely.. Feels like home.

    1. Yes, Lasse for that both works at GTC it feels like home...

  3. It looks really nice! How many students are studying at your school?

    1. I wrote the same answer at Lasses blogg, but we are a lot of puple working on four learning center: We have 300 students at the upper secondary school,100 students in Higher Vocational Education, 200 students in Adult Education and a lot of company courses. We are more that 80 theathers and personal working at GTC.

  4. It certainly looks inviting. Some of our big car companies run weekend courses to keep the mechanics up to date with all the new technology but I dont think the facilities ever look so stylish.

  5. This learning centre is mostly for companycourses and we did this makeover last year, so it´s really frech. The learning center that I´m situated in in in the old painting factory for the Volvo cars. So there is an older building whith our personal cars. First impession is importent.

  6. Yes first impressions are important. Some of our private car companies have very stylish showrooms and they also have weekend courses.I notice from one of your blog posts above that you have a very big school.We only have schools like this in the major cities. In the country where I live (Wagga Wagga) we have about 5 high schools, another Vocational School and adult education. Further out in the country where the towns are more isolated the schools and vocational colleges are quite small and students often study online.
    Do any of your students study online?

    1. While our students are doing so much practical things in the workshops they need to be fysically in the school. But the positive with that is that they dont get so much homework insteeed. Göteborg is the second biggest city of Sweden so we get studients from the city of Gothenburg and the region nearby. So the studients that are from farest away, maybee have up to 100km to travell one way, but we dont have that many of thows. Then there is an outher school neerer for them to search to.

  7. Interesting to note that you have student at higher vocational level ( formerly called KY-programs I suppose)
    In what way do these courses differ from the ones at upper secondary level?
    What are the conditions to enter?

    1. Yes, the old namne for it is KY. The YH (newer namn)for Higher vocational level is an educationsform between upper secondary level and the Univers like GU.On this courses the demands is higher, they do a lot of training at a company and they have to fix the places themselfs outherwise they dont graduade. I know from colleges that are working in this process that they are doing intervjues with each aplying student, so they pick out the best of them.

  8. And I missed to write that the studient have to been at work for a while before thay can apply.


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