Sunday, April 15, 2012

Photo 1

This is the entrance of the school where I work. The name of the school is Gothenburg Technical College. We are located in factory building of Volvo Torslanda Verken where they produce and assemble the larger models of Volvo cars.


  1. A number oif students on the blog work in this school. It must be quite large. It looks a lot like our Technical and Vocational Colleges in Australia. Today I visited one of these colleges in Sydney where they do about 30 different courses. It was very interesting.

    1. Yes Ros, we are six students from this school. So if you´re felling familiar with this entrance by now it isn´t that strange. :)
      It´s rather interesting to visit other schools and get prospective on what your doing. We are three teachers from your school going to Stockholm in May visiting a Vocational College there, in order to get prospective on our work..

  2. Yes, I also work at this scool as you have seen. We have 300 students at the upper secondary school,100 students in Higher Vocational Education, 200 students in Adult Education and a lot of company courses. We are more that 80 theathers and personal working at GTC.

  3. Thank you, Ulrika. For saving me the trouble of looking up all those exquisite educational terms in the dictionary. Your the best! ;)

  4. I can whisper to you that I have to loook it up! I´m really looking forward if ererything is ok for us to go to Stockholm to look at the other school. You learn a lot of that.

  5. Looking forward to our potential trip to the capitol.

  6. I think you are all doing very well with English. I am sure if I had to speak Swedish we would probably not get beyond 'hello'. I worked out that you have some other colleagues at the same school. I also think it is wonderful that you are going on a trip to another College. It gives you the opportunity to see how other teachers work with their students. In Australia we do this exchange sometimes , particularly if teachers are isolated in very small Colleges. We are a very big country with much space between the regional centres and this makes contact sometimes very difficult. Our teachers often use the technology to stay in touch with one another. Does this happen in Sweden?

    1. Thank you for your compliment on our English. We usually have a issue here about our americanization. But it isn't all bad, as they say . :) Here we see Australia as a role model in modern teaching. Especially in distance learning. I've been to numerous lectures on the subject.
      Unfortunately the personal meeting is a way of the past, we all use computers these days. All thou Ulrika and I work in the same office we often e-mail each other not to disturb one another. Now that's modern technology for you..

  7. Yes, it always is the distance beetweeen, that makes it harder to meet outer colleagues, and it´s also the missing time that gets i front ot doing a visit...So it´s nice to keep up with mail or another technology.I´v tried Skype and it´s working well.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. In what way to Technical college differ from ordinary vocational shools?


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